Copyrights and Reproduction Policy
The copyrights to all artworks on are owned by Leonard Porter Studio, LLC unless otherwise noted. Images from this site and all images by Leonard Porter may not be copied, reproduced, published or sold in any medium without permission from Leonard Porter Studio (or other copyright holder if any). However, Leonard Porter Studio hereby grants the limited right to place JPEG images from this site on other websites so long as the image is not altered or effaced, including but not limited to: significant cropping and the overlaying text or other imagery and is either: 1) attributed to Leonard Porter 2) hyperlinked to or 3) placed adjacent to a text link to
Leonard Porter Studio wishes to encourage the publication of our artworks in the press and in academic settings. Academics and lecturers may use images from so long as the images are attributed to Leonard Porter. The press and anyone seeking further rights to copy, reproduce or publish works by Leonard Porter are invited to contact: Anyone with further questions about the use of images should also contact: In many cases, high resolution digital files are available for editorial and print purposes.
Leonard Porter
St. Thérèse of Lisieux
2008, Oil on Linen, 30 x 24 inches.
© Leonard Porter MMVIII